Tuesday, April 13, 2010

A Little Bit of Lily

Lily has discovered how to brush her hair (what little she has).  Some days she will not let go of the brush for hours and will carry it around with her everywhere. One day she insisted on holding her brush while eating her lunch.

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She also enjoys pushing Ava in her stroller.


  1. Thanks for this awesome blog! I've printed some pictures, and just love "being there" with you guys.

    Lily and Ava look so happy! Ted, don't forget to get some pictures of Jessica with the girls so we can see those too.

    Emma is an expert at putting on hats :) Junior just got his first belt strip in TKD - he's loving the disciplined environment, and of course the kicking and punching. Birch, well, he sort of had a girlfriend!?* But she moved away last week. As of yesterday he's got another in his sites though. They're in the chess club together :)

    lots of love - michelle

  2. You know she's pushing her to the nearest bus-stop right?!
