Friday, December 14, 2012

Eliana's Christmas Carol

[flickr video=8273338108 show_info=true secret=db8ddc93c4 w=500 h=375]

WP_20121214_190949Z, originally uploaded by jhautau2.

Not to be out done by her sisters, Eliana has her own Christmas carol. Looks like we will have three talkers, Yikes!
Video is a little long but there are some cute laughs at the end =)

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Fit for the queen!

The girls loved these headbands, but to the girls disappointment, we did not buy them. Maybe if we go see Laura in England we will get them for the trip. =)


Hidden Camera

[flickr video=8270840536 show_info=true secret=93ca99b0be w=500 h=281]

001, originally uploaded by jhautau2.

Hidden Camera...for a few seconds at least.

"The will of God will not lead you where the grace of God will not sustain you"


Monday, December 3, 2012

Hautau Happenings

The girls had a great time playing in the leaves before daddy (and Pa Pa) picked them up.


The girls may or may not have gotten a pink tree (with pink lights of course) for their room. I guess the picture is the proof. They were so excited to see it when they got home they were literally hugging it. Let's just say, Ted wasn't as excited as me and the girls and he didn't hug it.


Proof that we do have a real, alive, and green Christmas tree in our living room...


Ellie loves family photos, poor kid =)


More proof that she loves family photos...


But she is cool otherwise.