Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Not cool

This is what I came into last week when I went in to get the girls after their nap. Lily was sound asleep in her bed and here is Ava.


I assumed Ava had fallen asleep because I didn't hear anything out of her for so long. Apparently she was busy sorting through her clothes that Lily emptied out of ALL of Ava's drawers.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Fun Stage

Ava is in a very fun stage. I mean that in a very sarcastic way. She now wants to take her clothes and diaper off all the time because she needs to go "potty." We are not potty training Ava because she hasn't been interested, but maybe we should at least explain the basics since she seems to think she needs to be naked to go potty.

I have found her multiple times in her crib naked, no diaper, and she has now pooped in her crib once and peed several times.

I will spare you the photos, just kidding . There are none.


Ava has gotten quite coordinated. She can now jump off the stone fireplace with both feet (forward), which she was afraid to do a week ago. She also tries to do a bridge and go "backwards" off of it.

Lily's Purse

Lily loves this bag and calls it her "purse." She wants to bring it everywhere. Unfortunately, it's huge.

Closet fun

[flickr video=6302442441 show_info=true secret=cbb25ac713 w=500 h=281]

012, originally uploaded by jhautau2.

The girls really enjoy doing this.
...notice how quick they are getting at moving their fingers out of the way before the door closes. Lessons learned =)