Monday, January 23, 2012

So much space!!

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006, originally uploaded by jhautau2.

Big Girl Bed

Well, it's official. Ava is in a big girl bed. The plan was to set up the other bunk bed for Ava to have as a big girl bed. BUT, when Ted went to set it up we realized the top bunk is a good bit higher than the bottom bunk that Lily has been sleeping in. So, Lily got a new, "bigger" girl bed which is hard for her to get in to...

but she thinks it's pretty cool.

and Ava got Lily's bottom bunk...

and she thinks it's pretty cool too...

It's so strange to not have a crib set up in our house, where does time go? Oh well, time for another =)

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Happy Birthday Lily!!

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047, originally uploaded by jhautau2.

Lily Turned 3!!

I can't believe I am saying this, but Lily turned 3. Time flies! She had a good birthday.

We went to Monkey Joe's during the day.



And then had little party at home that night.






Ava was great during the day and really enjoyed telling Lily "Happy Birthday." But after cake Ava was pretty much done with it being Lily's birthday. I think Lily getting her gift was the final straw for Ava. She turned grumpy after we told her Lily got to play with it first because it was Lily's birthday. =) But, she did enjoy the cake.


...and Lily did share her gift eventually. Life is good again =)