Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Lily and Pa Pa

[flickr video=5510938796 show_info=true w=500 h=375]

WP_000065, originally uploaded by jhautau2.

Click on "wp_000065"

Lily Talking (and a little Ava)

[flickr video=5510294973 show_info=true w=500 h=375]

WP_000241, originally uploaded by jhautau2.

With all the traveling we have done back and forth lately, we have been talking to Lily about where we live and where everybody else lives. She doesn't quite get it yet =)

Click on "wp_000241"

A few from our trip home

Here are a few I took on my phone while we were at home...



Well, I must apologize to the nameless two year old that I accused of losing the camera charger. Come to find out, after much searching, I left it plugged into the outlet at my dad's house.

So, it is in the mail. Until then, here are a few from my phone. Laura sent Lily a bookbag for Christmas (we just got it a few days ago because of VERY slow mail and us being out of town). Lily is obsessed. She wears it all the time, except when sleeping.

There's something about a bookbag that keeps you busy. Lily is very busy these days...

And while Lily sleeps Ava likes to wear it.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Missing battery

Unfortunately, a certain two year old was using my camera charger as a cell phone and now the charger is MIA. So, my camera is dead and I cannot charge it. Hopefully it will appear soon.

Latest news on the girls...

Ava is walking! Full time, walking.

Lily is talking in almost sentences now. She has a lot to say these days.

Hopefully I will have some photos soon!