Thursday, April 25, 2013

Lily and Ava

It is not fancy hair, fine clothes, or gold jewelry that should make you beautiful. No, your beauty should come from within you- the beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit. This beauty will never disappear, and it is worth very much to God. 1 Peter 3:3


God is so good, he's so good to me.

[flickr video=8680662413 show_info=true secret=71090259cf w=500 h=281]

VID_20130425_115941_466, originally uploaded by jhautau2.

Lily is following in the foosteps of her cousin, Kaitlyn. She has a good singing voice! :)

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

A little bit of Ellie

Little Ellie is developing well. Every milestone she hits is a big deal since in the womb we weren't sure how she would do developmentally.
With that being said, we are SO thankful for each milestone she hits, but would also love for time to SLOW DOWN a little bit. She is getting big so fast and by big I mean advancing in things she does. Not big, as in size, since she is only 15 lbs and still wearing 3-6 month clothes at 10 months old. She's a cute little peanut though. :) SLOW DOWN TIME, SLOW DOWN!

She is a regular stander now.


She sat in the shopping cart for the first time the other day. I was a little concerned she might slide out a leg hole if she got two legs in the same one.


...but apparently I should've been concerned she might turn around, stand up, and dive in to the back of the cart. I guess the seatbelt wouldn't go snug enough to hold her down.


I guess the next post about Ellie will be her walking. Hopefully it will be in a couple months, and tomorrow :)


Thursday, April 18, 2013

Charlotte Trip

Here are some photos from our trip to Charlotte...(click on images to make them larger)

[gallery ids="1951,1947,1946,1945,1944,1949,1950,1948,1953,1954,1955,1956,1952,1957,1962,1961,1960,1959,1958"]

Sister love?!?!



The girls have been talking a lot about playing soccer. We bought a ball last week for them to play around. If this is how playing soccer goes, I'm not sure they are ready.:)


Discovery Place Kids



[caption id="attachment_1928" align="alignnone" width="225"]Water fun Water fun[/caption][caption id="attachment_1923" align="alignnone" width="225"]Playing with her best friend. Playing with her best friend.[/caption]