To say Lily was thrilled about going to kindergarten is an understatement. She asked everyday of the summer "is tomorrow the day I go to kindergarten?" She was thrilled to hear tomorrow really was the day she went to kindergarten. She was bouncing off the walls the night before, but wasn't so thrilled when I woke her up at 6:45 the next morning for school. She normally sleeps until 7:45 and school starts at 7:45 so it will take her a little while to adjust.
See? Pure excitement!
We left school on the first day with Ellie screaming "LILY COOOMMEEE!!! LILY COOOMMMEEE!!!!!." I guess Ellie wasn't ready to let go. I tried to console her by saying "Ellie, you get to spend time with mommy" and she screamed louder "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Ha.
Lily described her first day of kindergarten as "Awesome!" (Apparently, she learned that new word at kindergarten). She made three friends but knows none of their names. Typical. And she loves her teacher.
Her only problem with kindergarten is she doesn't understand why they don't get to play. She is there from 7:45 - 2:45 and she gets 20 minutes for lunch and 20 minutes for recess. She said she asked her friend 'Why doesn't the teacher ever let us play?" to which her friend responded "I don't know, Lily. I think she doesn't like to have fun." Lol. Welcome to the real world, Lily. :)
On top of all the kindergarten excitement, Lily lost her first tooth this morning. She took it to school in a Ziploc bag to show her teacher and her class. What are the changes the tooth will make it home? None.
Slow down time, slow down!!
You can't tell from the picture, but she was excited about it! :)
And where is her side kick Ava during all this kindergarten excitement? We left her in Knoxville with Ted. He is there for a week and a half for junior and senior nationals and Ava is having the time of her life.
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