Thursday, May 22, 2014

Last Day of Preschool (for Lily)

Today was the last day of Preschool for Lily, she will be off to Kindergarten next year! Today was Ava's last day of Preschool for this year. She will return in the 4-5 year old class next year.
We have been so pleased with their Preschool and their teachers. Here are a few pictures...

Ava and Ms. Kimberly


Ava and her best friend 'Maggie Grace Young'. Most people call her 'Maggie Grace' but Ava calls her 'Maggie Grace Young.' We didn't get a picture of them together, but Liam is her other best friend. She calls him her brother. ;) They were quite the trio this year.


Lily and Ms. Kim (and her grass she grew)


Lily and some of her friends. Ava had to get in on all the pics :)



1 comment:

  1. Thanks, I love their smiles.

