Monday, August 29, 2011

Two runny noses, a toe picker, and some nursery rhymes...

[flickr video=6094037725 show_info=true secret=c6fb4b899b w=500 h=281]

003, originally uploaded by jhautau2.


  1. Could we please get a pedicure for Ava? Apparently she's overdue. ha-ha!
    Lily is talking a blue streak! Wonder where she gets that? ; )

  2. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Love it! And yes, you knew I would. Although the very SERIOUS and in-depth toe picking could be omitted - as I am not one who loves feet or to see others picking theirs! However - Ava's total dedication can not go unmentioned as she's completely oblivious to the fact that London Bridge is FALLING DOWN - FALLING DOWN - FALLING DOWN, and even more so to Lily's desperate attempts to get her more involved in the "rhyme" singing, by hugging her and kissing her... though it looks like she came around there just in time - to turn around and see you with the video camera and she quickly joins in - "Oh crap. She's gettin this on film..I better step up my these folks I KNOW STUFF TOO!"
