Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Sometimes you gotta do things on your own

[flickr video=4769267930 show_info=true w=500 h=375]

008, originally uploaded by jhautau2.

Ava has learned to rock herself in her carseat. Since this video she has gotten really good at it. She's got the timing down now and pretty much starts rocking herself whenever we put her in the seat. (click on "008")


  1. That is soooo impressive!! She's almost self sufficient!

  2. My nieces are beautiful and gifted. Spinning and rocking- now they just need to work on their singing. We LOVE getting these blog updates. It brightens our days!!!! Thanks for taking the time to do this Jessica. You're the best! Love, Lynn

  3. Don't you just hate it when they grow up and don't need you anymore?
