Well, Ava turned 3 on Wednesday. Again, so hard to believe that our little girl is getting so big! Ava wanted to do the same thing Lily did for her birthday. So, we went to the open gym again. Ted met us at the gym and took the girls to coach with him for the afternoon. They had a great time but were totally worn out after playing at the gym and not having a nap.
We I decided they should skip their nap and just go to bed early since they didn't get home until 5. We thought Ava was going to fall asleep in her dinner she was so tired. I think that is a sign of a good birthday! Oh, and a Cinderella cake. =)

For Lily's birthday we took Ava to buy a gift for Lily. We thought it was a good idea for them to pick out gifts for each other and learn to GIVE. We knew this would be harder for Lily than for Ava to do. Ava struggled a little bit with it when it was Lily's birthday. When we picked out the gift she kept saying "I would like this.." and I would remind her she was picking out something for Lily. She was good with giving Lily the gift though and Lily was good about sharing it with Ava.
Well, let's just say Lily struggled more than Ava with the whole GIVING a gift. She picked out a small piano that "Ava would LOVE!" but then quickly said, "no I don't want to get it for Ava." When I asked her why she said she only wanted to get it for Ava if we could buy two. Ha. SO, we got Ava the piano and I explained she was GIVING it to Ava but Ava would share it with her.
Well, I think this is the only explanation needed for how the gift exchange went...

Happy Birthday Ava?!?!?!?!