Thursday, September 27, 2012


Well, Ellie always seems to need her own post. I guess she just lives such a different life =) So, a little about Ellie.

She can be very serious...

and very happy (with her signature Ellie fists)...

She still has great sisters...

And she's still too small for the Bumbo...

Life is good!

This is how we ride...

I've had alot of people inquiring how we fit all three kids in our Camry. So, I took a picture to send to a friend. Three wide- it's great!


Gymnastics Class

The girls started a (very) low key gymnastics class with a few other kids their age. They love it.



Ellie "chatting"

[flickr video=8030477257 show_info=true secret=7dc3699149 w=500 h=375]

WP_20120925_020947Z, originally uploaded by jhautau2.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Lily and Ava

Lily and Ava are still as crazy as ever.


They got a bike to share. Lily usually ends up getting in trouble during the day and getting her bike riding privileges revoked. that's why Ava is on the bike in all the pictures. Both of them are having trouble figuring out how to pedal, although Lily hasn't had much practice =)


Ava needed a raisin break (surprising I know).

And they both still love being outside...

A little Ellie

Ellie is getting bigger. She had her eight week doctor's appointment and she was in the 20% for weight (9 lbs), the 10% for height (21"), and the 10% for head size (no clue what it was). Her legs are finally big enough for shots, so she got three and was not a happy camper the rest of the day! She passed all her development tests except the "does she intentionally grab things?" question. The doctor said it's not any concern because those are actually the development questions for an 8 week old, but her development is based on when her due date was, not when she was born. So technically, she is a 5 week old. So I guess that means she's smart for her age...kinda. =)

She's starting to smile more and being more alert.

She has a love for being on her stomach. When she can get there herself she will be there all the time...

And she has great big sisters that love her a whole lot.