Tuesday, June 19, 2012


[flickr video=7402133976 show_info=true secret=49e0b85691 w=500 h=375]

f4, originally uploaded by jhautau2.

How to break your neck while swinging...

[flickr video=7401875314 show_info=true secret=982eb9a93d w=500 h=281]

031, originally uploaded by jhautau2.

And a few outtakes...





















Father's Day

Here are the photos from part of Ted's Father's Day gift, a photo frame with these three photos side by side for his office.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Jump Underwater

[flickr video=7354142970 show_info=true secret=9b4658a6f3 w=500 h=375]

lilyavajump, originally uploaded by jhautau2.

These girls are so fun!

[flickr video=7168906967 show_info=true secret=a4c4692a95 w=500 h=281]

005, originally uploaded by jhautau2.

Water Fun

[caption id="attachment_1495" align="aligncenter" width="300"] So exciting![/caption]


[caption id="attachment_1496" align="aligncenter" width="300"] Just relaxin![/caption]

Underwater Babes

[flickr video=7353087066 show_info=true secret=d53d8b4274 w=500 h=375]

avaswim, originally uploaded by jhautau2.