Ava turned 2 yesterday! We went to Chick-fil-a during the day with a friend so the girls could play and then we had a "party" for Ava at night when Ted got home from work.
She opened her gift. We got her a small dog that walks and makes dog noises when you press it's back. She loved it and has enjoyed "taking care" of her dog. Ted is hoping the girls don't get any ideas about a real dog =) We also got her a stroller. My mom got the girls this same stroller two years ago. It is a BABY DOLL stroller but the girls take turns pushing each other in it. So...the other one eventually broke and we threw it away. Both girls were really excited to see another stroller.
Ava was always surprised when she pressed the dogs back and it made noise.
Then she had her Elmo cupcake. She requested an Elmo cupcake just like Lily's for her birthday and woke up asking if it was time for Elmo cupcake. =)